Programming Speech in WPF - Speech Synthesis
New Microsoft Speech API (SAPI) version 5.3, which is an integral part of Windows Vista, is a managed API that allows developers to write speech-enable applications in .NET Framework 3.0. This speech functionality is defined in the System.Speech and its five sub namespaces. Physically, the speech API resides in System.Speech.Dll assembly. Here is a list of five namespaces that defines Speech related functionality. System.Speech.Audioformat System.Speech.Recognition System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar System.Speech.Synthesis System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine To access Speech API in WPF, you must add System.Speech.Dll assembly reference to a project. Right click on the project name in Solution Explorer, select Add Reference and select System.Speech on the .NET Tab and select OK button as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. This action will add System.Speech assembly reference and copy System.Speech.dll to the bin folder of your project. Now you can import ...