10 ASP.NET Performance and Scalability Secrets


ASP.NET 2.0 has many secrets, which when revealed can give you big performance and scalability boost. For instance, there are secret bottlenecks in Membership and Profile provider which can be solved easily to make authentication and authorization faster. Furthermore, ASP.NET HTTP pipeline can be tweaked to avoid executing unnecessary code that gets hit on each and every request. Not only that, ASP.NET Worker Process can be pushed to its limit to squeeze out every drop of performance out of it. Page fragment output caching on the browser (not on the server) can save significant amount of download time on repeated visits. On demand UI loading can give your site a fast and smooth feeling. Finally, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and proper use of HTTP Cache headers can make your website screaming fast when implemented properly. In this article, you will learn these techniques that can give your ASP.NET application a big performance and scalability boost and prepare it to perform well under 10 times to 100 times more traffic.

In this article we will discuss the following techniques:

  • ASP.NET pipeline optimization
  • ASP.NET process configuration optimization
  • Things you must do for ASP.NET before going live
  • Content Delivery Network
  • Caching AJAX calls on browser
  • Making best use of Browser Cache
  • On demand progressive UI loading for fast smooth experience
  • Optimize ASP.NET 2.0 Profile provider
  • How to query ASP.NET 2.0 Membership tables without bringing down the site
  • Prevent Denial of Service (DOS) attack

The above techniques can be implemented on any ASP.NET website, especially those who use ASP.NET 2.0's Membership and Profile provider.

You can learn a lot more about performance and scalability improvement of ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX websites from my book - Building a Web 2.0 portal using ASP.NET 3.5.

ASP.NET Pipeline Optimization

There are several ASP.NET default HttpModules which sit in the request pipeline and intercept each and every request. For example, SessionStateModule intercepts each request, parses the session cookie and then loads the proper session in the HttpContext. Not all of these modules are always necessary. For example, if you aren't using Membership and Profile provider, you don't need FormsAuthentication module. If you aren't using Windows Authentication for your users, you don't need WindowsAuthentication. These modules are just sitting in the pipeline, executing some unnecessary code for each and every request.

see full detail: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/10ASPNetPerformance.aspx


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