What are Properties in C-sharp and how to use them?
In this article I will explain the property in C# along with practical demonstration which will help you to understand it in a simple way.
Properties are used to get or set the value of data members of a class.
- They are used to implement data security.
- A property contains two blocks: (i) get and (ii) set. These blocks works on the basis of calling conventions.
- get and set block is implicit calling of grammar language. Property is define public normally to have get and set control.
- For each data members we have to create one property.
- In c-sharp we create indexers in place of parameterized property. (In VB you can have parameterized property).
- For static data member static properties are used.
Difference between Property and Methods
- Property is implicitly called using calling convention
- Property works on compile and runtime.
- Method is explicitly called
- Methods works on runtime.
Practical: Showing how to use property