Beginner's Guide To View State


First of all I want to thank Sean Ewington for his great initiative to write Beginner's Walk for Web Development article. I have decided to write some articles on state management There are a few article on Code project on State Management, basically on Session, Caching, Cookies, etc. Though all are very good article, still I have planned for write some article on state management. and I believe that should definitely helps to all the Beginners. And I have organized the content in a way that it would be helpful to not only beginners also to advance user also.

In this article, I will cover the fundamentals of State Management and Details of View State.

What is state management?

Web is Stateless. It means a new instance of the web page class is re-created each time the page is posted to the server. As we all know HTTP is a stateless protocol, its can't holds the client information on page. As for example , if we enter a text and client on submit button, text does not appear after post back , only because of page is recreated on its round trip.


As given in above pages, page is recreated before its comes to clients and happened for each and every request. So it is a big issue to maintain the state of the page and information for a web application. That is the reason to start concept of State Management. To overcome this problem ASP.NET 2.0 Provides some features like View State, Cookies, Session, Application objects etc. to manage the state of page.

There are some few selection criteria to selected proper way to maintain the state, as there are many way to do that. Those criteria are:

  • How much information do you need to store?
  • Does the client accept persistent or in-memory cookies?
  • Do you want to store the information on the client or on the server?
  • Is the information sensitive?
  • What performance and bandwidth criteria do you have for your application?
  • What are the capabilities of the browsers and devices that you are targeting?
  • Do you need to store information per user?
  • How long do you need to store the information?
  • Do you have a Web farm (multiple servers), a Web garden (multiple processes on one machine), or a single process that serves the application?

So, when ever you start to think about state management, you should think about above criteria. based on that you can choose the best approaches for manages state for your web application.

Different types of state management?

There are two different types of state management:

  1. Client Side State Management
    • View State
    • Hidden Field
    • Cookies
    • Control State
  2. Server Side State Management
    • Session
    • Application Object
    • Caching
    • Database

Client Side state management does not use any server resource , it store information using client side option. Server Side state management use server side resource for store data. Selection of client side and server side state management should be based on your requirements and the selection criteria that are already given.

What is view state?

View State is one of the most important and useful client side state management mechanism. It can store the page value at the time of post back (Sending and Receiving information from Server) of your page. ASP.NET pages provide the ViewState property as a built-in structure for automatically storing values between multiple requests for the same page.


If you want to add one variable in View State,

See full detail:


testsouravkayal said…
Check below website for real life ASP.Net programming example.Very good for project work.

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