Uploading Multiple Files in ASP.NET 2.0

In ASP.NET 2.0, the FileUpload control enables users to upload file from your web pages. The FileUpload control consists of a text box and a browse button. Clicking on the button allow users to select a file on the client and upload it to the server.

Let us start how to upload multiple file on a single button click. Follow these 2 steps

Step 1: Drag and drop multiple (in my case four) FileUpload controls on to the designer.
Step 2: Drop a Button control and rename it to "Upload"

This is the aspx code

See full detail: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/rahul4_saxena/UploadingMultipleFilesInASPDotNET203062009015325AM/UploadingMultipleFilesInASPDotNET2.aspx


testsouravkayal said…
Check below website for real life ASP.Net programming example.Very good for project work.


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